Sundered by the thunder of her thighs I wondered this:
Why have I never understood the simple symbol of her kiss
Despite the spell she spelled out on my skin in secrets softly spoken
By the lips and swaying hips that split my heart and soul wide open
I was blinded when I gazed into the blazing of her light
As if I’d stared at an eclipse whose darkling brightness left me broken
And I spiraled in the space of an abyss of endless night
And I heard something like a serpent unseen whisper in a hiss
A series of sibilant syllables that went something like this:
“In this sea of endless shadow we will show you endless sorrow
And the darkness lasts forever; you will never see tomorrow
For you loved a woman weakly and she hurt your tender feelings
Sending you through endless nothingness neverendingly wheeling
You were blinded when you gazed into the blazing of her light
As if you’d stared at an eclipse whose darkling brightness left you broken
And you spiraled in the space of an abyss of endless night
And you heard something like a serpent unseen whisper in a hiss
A series of sibilant syllables thet went something like this”