“Taylor Swift made a diss track about Trump! Taylor Swift made a diss track about Trump!!!” A 35 year old mother of two who has worked as a registered nurse but now focused mainly on her children cried out as she ran down the quiet suburban road in a sundress and pink crocs and nothing else, her wavy golden brown hair flowing behind her and her joyous eyes glowing with that special specific variety of inspiration sometimes seen in those who hear their favorite of a lifetime for the very first time or witness a miracle or the birth of their own progeny, warm juices dripping down her legs that scissored as she ran, her pink pussy slippery under her sundress, the robins and cardinals and redwing blackbirds, the sparrows and the chickadees, the woodpecker and the blue jay, the raven and the crows, the sad mourning doves, all singing along… “Taylor Swift made a diss track about Trump!” They all sing in recognizable English worlds. It becomes evident that a radically new world is dawning at the physical, chemical., biologica, psychological and social levels. An entirely new world is being born. The woman had an orgasm and her legs seemed to become boneless and rubbery as, moaning and shuddering, with a great gush of fluid pouring down, she fell to the ground with a thump and suddenly burst into flame with a whoosh and her body in flames she raised up her arms and arched her back and legs pushing her pelvis upward and opened her mouth and began mouthing words for which there were no sounds. She appeared to be imploring God to come and fuck her one last time. Then she died and became still as the fire continued to consume her body and a man drove by.
“Hell yeah!” A man driving by called out from his small shitty car blasting the new diss track that Taylor Swift had made about Donald Trump. “Take that Trump!!!” He beeped his horn triumphantly and the horn had a high thin lame sound. He understood intuitively that the woman had burst into flame and died during the most intense orgasm of her life
The birds savored the smell of the burning woman in the air and were excited for the fire to die down so that they could feast on her body. Up in the sky one of the new F 69 Fighters that cost a trillion dollars each to spend had a crippling orgasm and fell out of the sky, which is weird enough, but get this: it burst into flame before it hit the ground and the pilot managed to eject once he realized the very real danger of being in the cockpit of an f69 during an orgasm so intense as to cause full system failure and so luckily he was not burned to death and managed to pull his chute very quickly so that he only broke about fifteen bones when he hit the ground which as very painful but which was a pretty good outcome considering the situation. Taylor Swift had, after all, realeased a diss track about Donald Trump.
“Taylor Swift made a diss track about Donald Trump!!!” A young boy cried out from the branches of a tree he’d climbed up into. He became very excited and suddenly began to grow and went through puberty and became a full grown man muscular and hairy. The branch he’d been crouching on could no longer hold him and it snapped and he fell to the ground, naked, having shredded his little boy clothes in the process of his transformation into a full grown man muscular and hairy. “Swift diss trump!!” He grunted, and began rolling back and forth on his back masturbating before springing to his feet and running over to the burnt remains of the original woman to orgasm upon the smouldering crust of her body and then dashing away whereat the birds returned to the body and one of the freakier crows checked out what his cum tasted like.
A young man waiting at a nearby bus stop was very alarmed by what was happening and felt a strong urge to flee from the bestial or become it and yet he could not bring himself to stop patiently waiting for the bus which should arrive any second even if a fighter jet had crashed and a mad US Air Force fighter pilot has flown into a necrophiliac frenzy on the smoldering remains of a woman who spontaneously combusted after the best orgasm of her life because Taylor Swift made a diss track about Trump!!!
The bus pulled up and he felt relief at his opportunity to leave this chaotic scene, but as the bus pulled up to the bus stop he noticed that it was full of people sngaged in violent conflict, punching and kicking and strangling and biting each other. Screaming and howling and flailing. He fled the bus stop as the bus stopped at it and the doors open and broken bodies flew out and the world would never be the same again. Taylor Swift had made a dass track about Donald Trump!
He looked at his phone and saw that there was a new Drake track about Beyonce’s reaction to Lil Nas X’s new genre, black gay country, which was racing to the top of the charts so quickly as to make races in general seem dangerous, and in the Drake track there is a bar about Taylor Swift Dissing Donald Trump, and the young man wondered, how did Drake talk about that without melting into an orgasmic flame fluid of ecstatic death? Because you know like that seemed to be a thing that was going on.
Up in the sky there was lightning between the clouds and on the earth the trees subtly trembled in anticipation of the heavy rain. An alien spaceship appeared. The aliens had declared us clear for contact now that Taylor Swift had made a diss track about Donald Trump. And the young man got to witness the second coming of Jesus Christ as The Lord walked into town out of the desert with the angels Michael and Gabriel sitting on His shoulders like brilliant trained birds awaiting orders. From the inmost particles of material existence at the smallest level and all the way out to the red shift and cosmic background radiation at the edge of the observable universe, Taylor Swift made a diss track about Donald Trump.
Then it was the heat death of the universe and everyone took a nap.