the wet bulb temps and floods in southern areas are going to get really bad pretty soon and at some point we will recognizably have hit the high water mark so to speak of critical infrastructure and developed nation level housing and utilities and lose potable water and electricity over huge areas
so we have very high temperatures in Florida for example that are much worse for people because of the high humidity and the inability of the body to cool by way of evaporative heat transfer. in the desert you can wear layers of breathable fabric and seek shade and shit
the rich and powerful will not cede the high ground, they will slaughter and enslave people wholesale. all the silly moralization of our era will evaporate and disappear and huge hordes of displaced poor people will experience death and trauma. therefore I implore you to cheer up and learn to dance
all of the flood waters will be highly toxic and destroy what little biodiversity remains and there is a good chance that the rich people who live hold onto the highlands will simply annihilate billions of people with nuclear weapons.
the past was much much worse, and the future will be much more so. therefore you must enjoy today and love one another and post nudes. thank you. Grateful Dead best band ever